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A Pre-Team for 3, 4, & 5 Year Olds!

Cheer & Tumble Atlanta offers an exclusive and affordable pre-team for 3, 4 and 5 year olds!


Kitten CAts pre-team incorporates learning cheer as a sport through themed practices filled with a lot of energy and games.  Kitten CAts will learn proper form and technique while making new friends and having fun in a safe, controlled environment.  


Each month, Kitten CAts will focus on 3 elements of cheer.  At the end of every 2 months, Kitten CAts will host a recital for friends and family to show off their new skills!


Kitten CAts is a brand new program at Cheer Atlanta and will kick-off on Friday, March 2nd, 2018.


You can join the Kitten CAts at any time!

Kitten CAts Pre-Team

CLICK HERE to join the Kitten CAts team today!


"My athlete started out at 4 years old with a cheer team, and she learned to overcome being shy, and is now comfortable trying new things. She is also very confident in making new friends.  Because of her cheer team, she has now developed a sense of others around her. Her teachers always tell me that she makes sure everybody has a friend and is included; and because of cheer, she excels in coordination and focus at school."


Registration:  $30 one-time


Practice Wear: $40 one-time


Recital Wear: $75 one-time


Tuition: $50/month


Recitals:  Every 2 months



Tuesday/Friday 4:30-5:30pm

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